

Sunday, September 28, 2014

September 4 year olds

We have had an awesome week this last week at school! We were able to go on our first field trip to the Apple Orchard! The kids had a lot of fun picking apples! Thank you so much to all of you parents who are willing to go on these field trips and help me drive them. I appreciate it so much!

We learned the letter Bb. We practiced writing it on a board. We have now learned the letters Aa and Bb. Please have them practice writing them as much as they can. Have them start at the top of the paper. We have also been practicing writing our names with a capital letter first and the rest lower case letter. Please have them practice writing that at home also.

For snacks this last week we had teddy bear crackers, and Honey graham crackers with frosting in the middle that we frosted ourselves.....because bears like Honey! We also had donuts and apple juice after the apple orchard.

We made and decorated Bees out of paper for the letter B. We are making an alphabet book. I will keep the papers here and when we are finished with all of the alphabet they will bring the alphabet book home.

We made a Brown Bear story necklace. Please have the kids read you their book. They know the colors and the animals so they should be able to read it to you.....Brown bear brown bear what do you see? I see a Red Bird looking at me. Red bird Red bird what do you see....?

We have been learning to cut with scissors. I put a smiley face with a marker on their thumb nail. They need to see the smiley face while they cut. Some of the kids are catching on fast. Some of the kids still cut upside down. Please help your kids practice cutting at home. We are cutting straight lines and circles and wavy lines. If we practice cutting all year, they will be able to cut so good at the end of the year. In kindergarten they cut out a LOT of things. So they need to learn how to cut.

We went on a bear hunt on Thursday. Everyone brought teddy bears and we took them with us on our bear hunt. We used toilet paper rolls as our telescopes to see what we needed to go through to get to the bears cave.We went through tall grass, swam through a river, went through mud, went through a forest, and went through a snowstorm. The cave was the trampoline with sleeping bags and blankets on top of it! We tiptoed in the cave and found the bear and ran as fast as we could all of the way through the river, grass, mud, forest, and snowstorm back into the classroom. We found out that the bear was sad because he just wanted to play with us. So we let him in the classroom to join us in school. We talked about how important it is to be nice to everyone no matter what they look like, even if they are a bear!

Like I said it was a fun week! We are learning a lot. Your kids are amazing!

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