

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Apple Orchard Field Trip

The Apple Orchard is Tomorrow!!! There will be two times that we go. All three classes are going, so I will let you choose which time you want to go. We will be going 9:00-11:00 or 11:15 am. Also 11:45-1:45. The 3 year olds time is the 11:45-1:45 but if any of the four year old classes want to go in the afternoon they are welcome to go to that one also. I'm sorry this is short notice! The owner is letting us come to let the preschoolers pick a few apples in their bags before she opens it up to the public on Saturday. I wish that we could pick also, but it will just be the kids picking. Any parents are welcome to go, but we will need to carpool because there is not a whole lot of parking there. We will go pick some apples and of course take some pictures. We will also be having treats and drinks there. I will provide them. We will be having donuts and apple juice.

Please let me know which time your child will be attending. You can text me or email me, or facebook message me. I just don't want anybody to get left behind.

Please have your child bring a plastic bag and a jacket in case it is cold.

Thanks so much and I will see you tomorrow!!!

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