

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Second week of Four year old class

This last week was a lot of fun again! We learned all about the letter Aa. The color red and the number 1. We practiced writing the letter Aa and the number 1. We also practiced writing our names. Please practice writing these at home a  with your kids. The more you practice with them the easier it will be for them to learn it. We also cut out circles and teeth and the letter Aa for our letter A alligator that we made.  They are learning to use scissors and hold them correctly. We put a smiley face on their thumbs so that they can see it as they cut the paper to help them cut correctly and hold their hands correctly. We read lots of fun apple books and played apple games. We taste tested lots of different kinds of apples. And we graphed how many kids liked all of the apples or if they only liked certain ones. There were a few that didnt like the "sour apples." Some liked the pink apples. Some liked the green apples. Some liked the red apples. Thank you so much for sending apples with your kids! 

I will call the apples orchard again on Monday. Hopefully we are able to go to the apple orchard this week! I will let you know as soon as I find out!

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