

Monday, November 17, 2014

3 year old class

Today we made thankful turkeys and we made Indian fry bread to eat. The kids liked it with honey! I had a lot of fun listening to them tell me what to write on their feathers the things that they were thankful for!

Just a reminder that the 3 year Thanksgiving feast is Wednesday!!! I am so excited! We have lots of yummy food that everyone is bringing! See you Wednesday!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Facebook Page

Hi everyone! It is so much easier to post pictures on a Facebook page that I made. And to communicate on there. I will still send you emails, but most of my things will be on the facebook page. If you aren't friends with me then please find me and I will add you to the Preschool facebook page. I can't add you if you arent friends with me.

Thank you so much!